ASIA Cruises

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Queen Mary 2 Balmoral Windsor Penthouses

Queen Mary 2 - Transatlantic Travel
Check Out Cross Sea Travel Brought To You By The Queen Mary 2 - Only On

Part 2 of a Transatlantic Crossing with the Queen Mary 2 - D
How to spend the time on a (very) large ship in the middle of the ocean? Much better than one may think. Explore the ship, see conferences about press cartoons or Ingrid Bergman, play in the casino, relax with sea 360° 's around you. This is the second part of movie announced in the trailer "Transatlantic Voyage on the Queen Mary 2" : You can watch the first part on

Queen Mary 2 in NYC
Splendours of the Falls cruise Sept/Oct departing NYYC

Queen Mary 2 Balmoral Windsor Penthouses
Queen Mary 2, the Balmoral and Windsor suites connected.

クイーンメアリー2 および 女王エリザベス2 ドバイで 新しい写真! Hot off the press!!! The newest photos of QE2 in Dubai where the Queen Mary 2 reunites with her sister in waiting. The Queen Mary 2 was on her 2nd world cruise after visiting Japan & many other ports of call. It was also the 2nd time the 2 vessels had reunited since they last departed each other in October one month before the qe2's infamous final voyage to Dubai , it was said it would be the last time they would ever meet but this was truly a rare moment. It was a big surprise to the passengers aboard who saw the QE2 on the horizon as the Queen Mary 2 arrived in Port Rashid that morning. As nice as it was to see the 2 vessels together once again as they should be in the end... It was also is a very bittersweet sight for many who sailed with her. Unfortunately the passengers not were allowed to tour QE2 while they were in port. The Queen Mary 2 then leaves the QE2 for the final time at the end of her port of call in Dubai as seen from the Costa Victoria. It's May already & still her new owners have not yet released the final plans on what they will do with her in her final renovations. It's a sad sight as we also see other vessels from across the world reunite with QE2 docked in Dubai. Each photo a heart breaker , it is like shes been left for dead by her own people yet the British people never got a fair trial on what they wanted for their beloved national icon. To the president of Cunard & Alistair Greener ...

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